Thereupon, In this paper, I will outline how with these points mentioned. Race and class intersect and overlap with regards to the authors: Noel Ignatieff, Loic Wacquant, Etienne Balibar, Jean Baker Miller and Cecilie Mccallum.
As previously mentioned, Race and class are forms of social stratification that feed on group-based inequalities. To clarify, regarding class, this concept relates to the different positions individuals are placed in the social structure, which would determine their income and opportunities in society. As Jean Baker Miller asserts, differences in a society lead to different domination and subordination which results in inequality. In her words, she states that. ' ' in most instances of difference; there is also a factor of inequality – inequality of many kinds of resources, but fundamentally of status and power” (Miller 2001: 86-8. Likewise, in the same manner, Cecilia McCallum in the reading, Racialized Bodies, Naturalized Classes: Moving through the City of Salvador da Bahia, depicts how the notions class and race are extremely entrenched in Salvador. She …show more content…
With regards to Class, the social stratification revolves around a system of rules and rewards based on positions and status. Likewise, Racial stratification is, however, the only difference, is that with racial stratification opportunities and resources are available and given to individuals solely based on their genetic heritage. I.e.,.race, skin, hair color and religion. In the reading, ' 'class racism ' ' Etienne Balibar, depicts, how race works as a system of power and privilege. Class racism she asserts is connected to a political and economic problem that is crucial for the institution of the nation-state. Furthermore, She contends how the state has the power to exclude by force properties and deny citizenships and certain societal privileges to individuals who 's class seemed ' ' dangerous ' ' and pose a threat to the establishment with social order. Often time, individuals who fall victims into such are non-white racial identities. Being that it is acknowledgeable to assert, as Wacquant would conclude, that race has been constituted by white people ( wacquant ). As Micheal Ignatieff would convey, the idea of ' 'white race ' ' or rather ' 'whiteness ' ' does not just signify a set of genetic characteristic but rather an expression of race privilege and power. Moreover, another interesting analysis to look at within the concepts of race is the employment segregation. In with that, I mean race