When the pendulum of a clock swings back and forth, the pendulum reaches its maximum potential energy at the top of the swing, and it reaches its maximum kinetic energy at the bottom of the swing. In the absence of frictional forces, the pendulum’s kinetic energy will be equal to its potential energy at the bottom of the swing.
2. What is the difference between energy conservation and the principle of the conservation of energy? Give some examples of each.
The difference between energy conservation and the principle of conservation of energy is the following:
Energy …show more content…
We have read that these technologies are environmentally friendly and that they can help reduce costs at the long run, but the initial investments are usually really high and people might just opt for “cheaper” alternatives from the beginning. Another of the barriers I believe that exists has to do with the infrastructure of these systems. Acquiring solar energy technologies mean that people might need to change the infrastructure of their houses or invest more money on them in order for these technologies to function efficiently, and the last one will be that not everyone is informed of the benefits, opportunities and features that these type of technologies are able to offer them – if people do not know about them, how are these technologies going to …show more content…
What is the Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard in your state? What tax incentives are allowed with respect to the use or installation of renewable technologies? I live in Honduras, so we do not have a renewable energy portfolio or tax incentives to use or acquire these, so I’ll be using Arkansas for my answer.
Arkansas is one of the 13 states that do not have a renewable energy portfolio; however, the state do provide tax incentives for those who use renewable energy. One of these tax incentives is the Federal Energy Tax Credit which grants taxpayers and commercial business owners an energy tax credit of 30% of their total expenses. There are other programs and incentives, such as the State Rebate Program, the Arkansas Net Metering, and Residential Energy Efficiency Programs.
Source: http://www.nrdc.org/energy/renewables/arkansas.asp