Harbour Porpoises are not natural prey for the Bottlenose Dolphin and are dwarfed in size at…
I will be talking about dolphins inside the Chesapeake Bay estuary. The largest dolphins reach a length of about 13 feet , but most species are 7 to 10 feet long. Dolphins have smooth, rubbery skin and they normally have some mixture of black, white, and gray. They have two flippers,on their sides, as well as a triangular fin on the back. Dolphin calves are born in the water after a period of one year for about 18 months.…
The Atlantic spotted dolphin is a mammal that is a part of the cetacean family. When it comes to appearance, these dolphins have a grayish skin color with dark and light spots scattered all around the body. When they are born, they are just gray, however as they get older they begin to form spot which appear to increase in number as they get older. Once the Atlantic spotted dolphin is fully matured, it will reach a maximum length of 7 ½ ft and can way over 300 pounds. The females usually weigh 20 pounds less than the males.…
One of the main physical difference is their dorsal fin. Male killer whales that are kept in the wild have dorsal fins that stand straight up, but the ones at SeaWorld droop. This is most likely because they have no space to swim freely. Killer whales can swim up to 140 miles per day in the wild and to meet the same amount it would take about 4,280 laps in their tank (8 Reasons Orcas Don’t Belong at SeaWorld). Another reason why this happens is because of their unnatural diet of thawed dead fish.…
Killer Whales are a very large and strong breed of marine mammals that belong to the dolphin family that can grow up to ten meters long and can weigh up to six tons. Theses whales are a highly social species that are very intelligent with an excellent sense of hearing and have developed highly complex communication systems. Killer whales are immediately recognizable by their distinctive black-and-white coloring, when you see these magnificent creatures many people immediately get the idea of Shamu from SeaWorld and the tricks they preform, most people don’t remember that that captivity is limiting the whale’s freedom and life. Captivity is not only taking away and damaging these animals mental and physical health, it is also playing a role in taking the lives of the trainers that risk their lives swimming with killer whales just to make a profit for SeaWorld.…
On the edge of their seats, the crowd sits quietly as they wait for the next trick. The stadium sits still as if frozen. Suddenly, two enormous orcas skyrocket out of the water, crossing over each other and creating giant splashes. Erupting in cheers, the crowd is captivated by these amazing creatures’ intelligence and agility. Killer whales, also called orcas or cetaceans, are a vital part of the SeaWorld experience.…
Killer whales, also known as orcas, are the largest members of the dolphin family and the top predator in their ecosystem. They are one of the most intelligent marine creatures, especially due to their acute senses of sight and hearing. This mammal has an added part of the brain that allows the orcas to communicate between orcas. This language allows them to be social between other whales and also social with human beings. Their beauty has astounded humans for generations, but for many orcas captivity limits their freedom and their quality of life.…
They travel up to 100 miles a day with their family and use their communication skills and teamwork to hunt down prey. Killer whales are the oceans top predator and are widely distributed across all oceans on the planet. Though some may consider killer whales are bloodthirsty creatures, most whale watchers report that wild killer whales are friendly creatures. They show off by jumping up above the water and swim close to boats to get a closer look at humans. There has been no record in history of any fatal attacks by wild killer whales on humans.…
Killer whales are unpredictable and dangerous, they will seem like it's all fun and games at first but then there’s a possibility that they may get agitated and turn against their trainers. Along with the trainers…
Kevin Spear explained in How smart are killer whales? that, “Killer whales, or orcas, have the second-biggest brains among all ocean mammals, weighing as much as 15 pounds.” They display complex emotions and memories in their everyday lives. In 1990 an Orca at SeaWorld, named Kalina, was removed from her mom at only four years old. After Kalina was gone, her mother displayed emotions similar to a human losing their baby.…
Whales are usually between 16-25 ft long depending on gender. Killer Whales usually have collapsed dorsal fins, this could be caused by the size of tank, interactions with other whales, or where they are placed at night but either way it is not healthy. The lifespan of the whale decreases. There have been photographs of killer whales and you can the damage the whales have dealt with. They often have injured jaws, their chin are fractured, they're often bleeding in other parts of their body and they are…
Whales Whales in captivity is a horrible thing because the whales are separated from their familie, are forced to perform in front of screaming audiences, and they can act out and hurt humans and each other in small spaces. Male orca whales have collapsed dorsal fins. When there in the wild there dorsal fin stays straight up. When there in captivity there dorsal fin collapses. This is most likely because they are cramped up in a tight place so they can’t swim freely.…
False killer whales are mostly solid black or grey, while killer whales are easily recognizable by their distinctive black and white coloring (Shamsul, 2012). Both species show considerable…
Killer whales should not be forced into captivity because of the orca's intelligence, what conditions are needed in order for orcas to be happy, and the lack of education that aquariums like Seaworld provide. For example, the director of the movie Blackfish responded to claims that a Seaworld trainer made about the issue of whale capacity. The trainer stated that “we as humans should not differentiate based on the intelligence level” and the director came back saying “the evidence on animals intelligence in level in captivity proves that the higher the intelligence the more negatively the social structure is impacted”. The director is saying that claims by Seaworld are ludicrous because highly intelligent predators need to be in the wild in order to live the healthiest and most enjoyable life. Furthermore, the director of Blackfish…
In captivity, we force this artificial proximity to human beings, so the orcas do act out once in awhile and kill you," says marine mammal scientist Naomi Rose of the Animal Welfare Institute in Washington, DC. Orcas are also known as killer whales, but they are actually dolphins, not whales although both whales and dolphins belong to the same group, the cetaceans. SeaWorld has not captured a wild orca for 35 years, instead breeding them in captivity. Today 56 orcas remain in captivity, part of a total of…