Diabetes And Forks

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From the beginning of the 20th century until now the American diet has changed dramatically. Considering that the annual meat consumption used to be 120 pounds, and in 2007 it shifted to almost double, 220 pounds. The popularity of fast food restaurants did not help instead it has increased the rate of cancer. There have been many health issues due to animal based foods. Will this movie give a solution to this problem?

There is an epidemic in terms of Diabetes in our youth, in fact, two out of three Americans are overweight. Research has shown that children are increasingly diagnosed with type two diabetes and doctors are beginning to see hypertension. Medical operations are now a routine in the heath field driving up the cost immensely.
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Although billions are spent each year for heart disease, stroke, and cancer, these diseases are the three causes of death. For instance the danger behind the “Bypass Graft” procedure. In order to cure heart disease patient’s had to remove a vein from the leg and stich it on the hearts blocked coronary artery. Today 500,000 Americans go through this procedure. Millions suffer from degenerative diseases.

Forks Over Knives points out that degenerative diseases can be controlled by not consuming animal based and processed foods. This movie is based on the research of Dr. Campbell and Dr. Esselstyn.

While in the Philippines Dr. Campbell discovered that the wealthier children of the country who consumed high amounts of animal–based foods were more likely to get liver cancer. Dr. Esselstyn, discovered that many diseases were not known in some parts of the world where animal based food is barely consumed.

After such discoveries Campbell and Esslstyn began their own studies. In fact they found out that heart disease, cancer, type-two diabetes can be prevented by the simple task of gathering whole-food, plant based

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