Although he uses a more gruesome type of murder, it all leads back to the death penalty because he does what the justice system does not do. If the police do end up catching a murderer in the series, they do not perform the death penalty on that killer. Instead, the serial killer is imprisoned for life. In Dexter’s mind, by killing these murderers himself he is performing the death penalty on those who deserve it because he knows that if the police catch that killer, they will just be imprisoned. They will not get the punishment they truly deserve which he believes is death. In today’s society, there are many issues with this topic such as the method behind it, the possibility that the culprit is innocent, and just the act of taking a human life. The death penalty raises a variety of questions and cases many controversial debates. The specific point that many argue about is whether or not the death penalty should be enforced in all fifty states based on the different outcomes and possible issues that come with this act. The rules and regulations are constantly being examined and altered as our society …show more content…
Depending on the culture, the punishments would range widely. Although punishments may vary, a common trait among all cultures is the enforcement of the death penalty. Over time the question of whether the death penalty is morally right or wrong has been a constant controversy. Due to many issues with the process of the death penalty and the overall outcome, it should be prohibited in all fifty states. Instead, different precautions should be taken in order for justice to be served. A life sentence in prison would be a larger punishment than sentencing them to death because that would be an easier way out for them. They should spend their life isolated in prison where they can’t escape what they did. Many would disagree with this and state their opinion that those who kill should be killed, when in reality that would just cause a never ending cycle of death. They may also argue that the enforcement of the death penalty causes the murder rates to go down, when in reality that is entirely invalid. The murder rates do not decline in the areas of the country where the death penalty is enforced. In fact, the enforcement of the death penalty does not effect the murder rates at all. Other factors cause murder rates to either increase or decrease such as the weather and the social status of the area. It is safe to say that our country would be better off without the death penalty in