Stir mixture until the instant ocean has dissolved, then let sit for 10 minutes.
After 10 min, ensure everything is dissolved and pour exactly .5 liters of the mixture into each of the four containers.
Let containers sit for another 10 minutes, then record the dissolved oxygen levels for each container
Carefully add 100 mL of Plankton Delight into each container
Move the containers inside, and let sit for 30 minutes at room temperature.
After 30 minutes, take the DO content of each container and set aside one of the four containers to label it “Control” (Do not add any fertilizer to this container).
Add 1 pipet drop of fertilizer to one of the other three containers, and stir until …show more content…
Repeat step 12 every day for 5 days
When the experiment is complete be sure to pour the containers into the sink, NOT outside, as any remaining fertilizer will affect the environment.
Day 1: Immediate color change is observable in the 1 mL container and 5 mL container, however it is more prominent in the 5 mL container. The water changes from an opaque green it to a slightly blue-ish green. Blue and black granules have collected at the bottom of the cup. The dissolved oxygen content is seen to drop almost seconds after the fertilizer was added in all containers except the pipet drop container (and control). The control has lost dissolved oxygen content, but very minimally (believed to be the water settling).
Dissolved oxygen contents have changed dramatically (decreased), except for in the control group. Under a microscope, the blue granules that have collected at the bottom of the 1 mL container and the 5 mL container appear to be dead phytoplankton and leftover