The Story is centered on two Teenagers named Jeremey and China. Jeremy and China are high school sweethearts who have very good futures set out for them. Within the story of events, they both accidently conceive a child around the freshman year in college. With this sudden change of events, it sets a mood of happiness and then completely throws the reader through a blunder after the ending. In the ending, Jeremey and China both rent out a hotel room and deliver the baby in the hotel. After the delivery, the couple concludes that they should just "get rid of it."(Boyle 159). It’s prominent that the love that these individuals had was just towards each other and not any other human, even their very own offspring. In Conclusion they end up going to jail and the author achieves what he wanted from the beginning, to work up people and invest the reader in the story and completely bewilder the …show more content…
While Desiree committed neonaticide as an ultimatum as she had nowhere to go that could stop her child from going through the same racial path she was determined by her DNA, she decided to end the child’s life with her too to end all possible chances of suffering. As compared to Desiree’s situation, 138 years later, Jeremey and China had the chance of growing a child of their own, but to insure their chances of being together they made the sacrifice and ultimatum of killing a baby through the love of one another, making love look obsessive and desperate when it came down to