First, one of the conflicts of Desire under the Elms that stood out was the love triangle of the characters Eben, Cabot, and Abbie. Interestingly, social commentary is a style that delivers commentary on …show more content…
To begin with, religion is the worship of a higher power, similarly, God will be the example in this play. To illustrate my point, when Simeon tells Peter that he is going to search for God’s personal message when he leaves the farm shows a great illustration of the religious style in Roman theatre. Another representation is when Cabot repeatedly speaks about God in almost every scene. The one scene that stands out the best is when he faithfully believes God wants him to stay with the farm and never leave. Likewise, this character’s faith in this play shows a true correlation to the religious elements of Roman …show more content…
Additionally, Tom tries to use his co-worker Jim to date his sister Laura, which this deceptive plan leads to a painful ending for Laura. Unexpectedly, Jim turns down Laura at the end of the night using his made-up fiancé as an excuse to escape from Laura resulting in Laura feeling unwanted as well as Tom feeling guilty for his actions. Correspondingly, social conscience is when an individual has a concern for issues in society. This scene is a great representation of Greek theatre as it fuels tragedy with the element of deception and adds social conscience into this scene since Jim realized he is a target intended for a setup. Aristophanes is one of many Greek playwrights that utilizes social conscience. In addition to Greek theatre, memory plays are plays that are being told by a character’s past memory. This play is a true example of this, since it is being told from Tom’s past memories. In the same manner, his memories are also a great example of ancient theatre for its storytelling