Kennedy in the 1960’s. Kennedy and Cohen write that, “Kennedy had campaigned with a strong appeal to black voters” (Kennedy and Cohen, 2013). His promises of the elimination of racial discrimination in housing during his campaign won over much of the black voting population, but once he was in office it seemed as if these promises would not be fulfilled. After dealing with a president who chose to remain neutral on the racial issues of the 1950’s much of the black population in America felt cheated and betrayed. Kennedy’s lack of action on his promises after his election caused the black population to believe that they had to handle the process of desegregation on their own. The beginning of Kennedy’s presidency marked the hope of much of the black population that America would finally make large strides towards desegregation. Once Kennedy was in office however, it seemed as if desegregation once again had been postponed. Kennedy and Cohen state that, “political concerns stayed the president’s hand on civil rights” (Kennedy and Cohen, 2013). Much like Eisenhower, Kennedy was worried about the backlash that would come from taking action but for a different reason. Kennedy had hopes of passing several bills that he needed the help of southern legislators to pass. Nevertheless, once the black population realized that there was a lack of action on Kennedy’s part they tried to take action on behalf of themselves resulting in violent measures by those who did not support segregation. This marked a change in …show more content…
This moment marked a pivotal change in the leadership of the Civil Rights Movement from the black population to the government. Before the government had become involved, one of the most notable leaders of the Civil Rights Movement was Martin Luther King Jr. As the government became more involved in the movement they worked hand in hand with Martin Luther King to do the things that he could not. Kennedy and Cohen write that, “jolted by these vicious confrontations Kennedy delivered a memorable televised speech to the nation” (Kennedy and Cohen, 2013). It was during this speech that he declared his intentions to find a solution for the problem by the use of his governmental