The whole ride to this new place, I was playing with my dog.I thought we were just going on a road trip, but a road trip where we were taking all the vehicles and the dog, but I was not going to complain it was fun. After a really long time we finally stopped at a Best Western. I remember it being really hot and sticky. Made it difficult to breath at first, but learn real quick that was typical weather for this strange place. The first week living in the place was so scary,but adventurous at the same time. We went to a house in the middle of no where. I remember thinking to myself “ Where is all the houses at and all the kids playing in the streets?” When I went in this house for the first time, I saw all our stuff piled to the ceiling in a garage there was barely any room to get past it. I asked my parents “Is this our house?” They replied “In a few weeks it will be.” When my family and I got in there was strangers hammering stuff and lying down this white block looking stuff. I was told not to bother them and stay out of their way.This place was huge on the inside;my brother and I ran out to the back there was a pool! I could not remember a home with a pool in the back yard! While we were seating on by the pool I kept hearing a sound kind of like something moo-ing. I asked my brother what that was he said laughly “Its a cow you know where hamburger come from.” What is a cow was my inital thought, but I soon learn that they are stinking and funny looking animals. Then I learned later on that day, that I have school in three days. The next three days I learn the people around me were very different than me. We went out to eat that night and a man walked in with blue jeans all the way up to his chest and a cowboy looking hat. Then the next day at a church people kept saying words like “y’all” and “ain’t.” The first day of school has arrived it took us 25 mins but felt super quick compared to an hour drive in the city. We still showed up late for
The whole ride to this new place, I was playing with my dog.I thought we were just going on a road trip, but a road trip where we were taking all the vehicles and the dog, but I was not going to complain it was fun. After a really long time we finally stopped at a Best Western. I remember it being really hot and sticky. Made it difficult to breath at first, but learn real quick that was typical weather for this strange place. The first week living in the place was so scary,but adventurous at the same time. We went to a house in the middle of no where. I remember thinking to myself “ Where is all the houses at and all the kids playing in the streets?” When I went in this house for the first time, I saw all our stuff piled to the ceiling in a garage there was barely any room to get past it. I asked my parents “Is this our house?” They replied “In a few weeks it will be.” When my family and I got in there was strangers hammering stuff and lying down this white block looking stuff. I was told not to bother them and stay out of their way.This place was huge on the inside;my brother and I ran out to the back there was a pool! I could not remember a home with a pool in the back yard! While we were seating on by the pool I kept hearing a sound kind of like something moo-ing. I asked my brother what that was he said laughly “Its a cow you know where hamburger come from.” What is a cow was my inital thought, but I soon learn that they are stinking and funny looking animals. Then I learned later on that day, that I have school in three days. The next three days I learn the people around me were very different than me. We went out to eat that night and a man walked in with blue jeans all the way up to his chest and a cowboy looking hat. Then the next day at a church people kept saying words like “y’all” and “ain’t.” The first day of school has arrived it took us 25 mins but felt super quick compared to an hour drive in the city. We still showed up late for