As a babysitter, I was required to make sure all children stayed on a strict schedule. Meal, nap, and play times happened at around the same times every day. Having a use first level of sequence, this kind of structured activity comes natural to me. It was also beneficial to the children I kept, and the parents that picked them up. Maintaining a schedule is an absolute must for keeping any amount of children. Another task that was also required of me was to …show more content…
Keeping children from getting bored is a challenge in itself. With an as needed level in confluence, I had a hard time brainstorming activities that were simultaneously fun and educational. I am so used to staying on a strict schedule, that thinking out of the box is not easy for me. I had to keep pre-planned activities in case I had to make quick changes so I wouldn’t be stuck having to throw together something on the spot. I also had to use my confluence to think of ways to deal with altercations between children. I wanted to come up with a way to get them to understand that what he/she was doing was unacceptable without punishing them. I needed a way to take what they were doing wrong, and turn it into a positive learning experience. Coming up with healthy, fun meals daily was also a challenge. I was constantly searching the web trying to find things I thought they would enjoy.
This job unquestionably worked well with all of my learning patterns. I think a strong-willed learner such as myself would be perfect for this kind of work. Having a high level of sequence and precision is very important in maintaining structure and order in this kind of environment. High levels of technical reasoning and confluence are also advantageous when interacting with any group of children. You will always be working with your hands to help kids fully explore the world around them,