Definition Essay: What Is Cool

Improved Essays
What is Cool?
Groovy,tubular,brisk and relaxed could all be considered synonyms for the same word but with very different meanings behind them. The word cool is used describe such vast variety of things from people,places,events and feelings.
“Grab your jacket honey, it's cool out there!” Mom exclaims as he is walking out the door to catch the bus on that first crisp cool morning of November. Then he had responded by saying “its cool mom, I will be alright” explaining how nonchalant and feeling as if he was above the situation. Sadly his juvenile immaturity of trying to be “cool” would not outwit the loving care of his mother, as he would then be home with a cold for the next three days. “Cool” is used to mean the feeling outside of not being
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Because sometimes when you say an outdated phrase it can be seen as uncool or lame. The word cool was popularized by in the 1940’s by jazz legend Lester Young. The word originated in the smoky jazz clubs he would play in filled with steam and smoke, so they would open a window to let the “cool” breeze in to freshen up the room and make it more comfortable. By using the word with its original meaning while also being used by such popular people and celebrities led to its mass use today to mean cool as style and able to think and act in a calm way and not be affected. Because of Young’s popularity and the huge craze of the Jazz scene led to the relaxing and hip term to mean cool.(“Vsauce”). “Cool” since then has transformed through different eras and icons from James Dean to The Beatles to Matthew Mcconaughey it has always kept the same idea around being cool. These celebrities show a form of distance and the ability to be calm and not affected, while also having style that many try to emulate.(“What”). But they seem so cool because of how effortless it

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