Definition Essay Family

Superior Essays
Let me just start out by stating that I do not like this assignment in the slightest. In regards to family, this is a touchy topic for me. There are people in my “family” that I hardly consider family any more, those of which were held in higher regards earlier in my life but not presently. A technical definition of family relates to two or more persons related to each other by either marriage, birth, or adoption while living under the same roof together. Although the definition for family varies among people today as well as societies, most people find that mother, father, siblings, and grandparents take up a larger percentage of the definition. In a manner of speaking I agree with this, any other members of the family such as aunts and uncles, …show more content…
There was a point in time when I considered my mother, father, brother, aunts and uncles, and grandmothers and grandfathers all a part of my family, but today my opinions have changed. Although my mother and father are still apart of this definition, their significance in my world of family are that of a lesser quality. Today my family consists of my brother and sister-in-law, my Grandma Suzie, my friends Caree, Ian, Katie and her two kids, and Nick, and my Aunt Leigh and Uncle Jamie. These are the people I care most about. Devastation would consume me if in the event I lost any one of them. Although these events are inevitable, it would strike me hardest compared to others in relation to me. Of all of my friends though the loss of Caree would be most depressing. We have known each other for 21 years. Out of all of the fiends that have come in and out of our lives, we have always been the staple in each other’s lives. From my list of friends, although quite short, these are the people who have seen me for who I am and have chosen to stay and vice versa. There is an unconditional bond between myself and them. I trust them and they trust me. This is my family, and the role we play in each other’s lives is that of reliability, trust, support, acceptance, and

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