A: the next step will be to make sure I put all my trust in God so I will be able to push my way through the deep water and not drown.
2. What kind of fractal pattern are you modeling, and how is it being repeated throughout your community? (p. 110)
A: I have always been taught that honesty is the best policy. The way I communicate and interact with people is all based on honesty. I am open and honest with the people I interact with and they are open and honest with me. We all share the common belief that honesty is the best policy.
3. Is your community free to shape its culture according to the way God is leading it? (p. 110)
A: Yes, we understand that we must adjust to the changes …show more content…
We have numerous initiatives in place to help minimize our impact on the environment. Through the knowledge I have gained from work about being environmentally friendly, I now put more practice in trying to reduce my environmental footprint.
12. Are you free in relationship to your finances? How about to the budget for your business? (p. 169)
A: I am almost free, this is an area I am working on. Giving out money or paying bills do not worry me but sometimes I get worried about the future and making sure I save enough money so I would be financially stable when I get older. I am free when it comes to the “right now” financial situations, but when I think about “future” situations I am not free. I am also not free when it comes to the budget of a business. I worry that there will not be enough funds to help cover the growth and development of the company
13. MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION: Where do you struggle the most in living out consistently your call to be a godly steward? It is likely that at this same place you will struggle to lead your organization consistently as a steward leader. (p.