Many of the heavy elements mentioned before did not exist at the start of the Universe and were created by stars that are long gone today. When a star dies it releases its left over hydrogen into space along with heavy elements and could eventually become the start of other stars or even entire solar systems. The death of a star, as I mentioned before, depends on it size or mass. Some star deaths could be quiet (on a very large scale obviously) the other star death is very violent. Smaller stars will create what are known as planetary nebulae and larger stars will create supernovae or even
Many of the heavy elements mentioned before did not exist at the start of the Universe and were created by stars that are long gone today. When a star dies it releases its left over hydrogen into space along with heavy elements and could eventually become the start of other stars or even entire solar systems. The death of a star, as I mentioned before, depends on it size or mass. Some star deaths could be quiet (on a very large scale obviously) the other star death is very violent. Smaller stars will create what are known as planetary nebulae and larger stars will create supernovae or even