Death And Dying Research Paper

Superior Essays
Death and Dying
The human body heals in so many different ways. The human body can heal physically. For example, you cut your hand while chopping onions and you have a big cut on your hand. A few days after some stitches and antibacterial ointment your cut on your hand is most likely healed. The human body and mind also have emotionally healing. For example, you have a childhood pet. Your pet just died from old age and you are heartbroken. After crying and grieving your boyfriend surprises you with a cute fluffy kitten. The new kitten still doesn’t fill the gap you had with your old pet but after a while that cute fluffy kitten grows on you and then there’s that attachment you once had. You have grieved your lost pet and emotionally healed
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These emotional reactions also happen when someone has received news of having a terminal illness and they understand the outcome. It happens on both ends of the spectrum. Everyone has a different way of handling a devastating situation. Life is not a story book. We will eventually have to come in contact with some kind of news that will cause an emotional reaction. We are humans and we experience pain. Physical or emotional pain comes with a reaction to that feeling of pain. A thanatologist is defined as a specialist who studies Emotional and behavioral reactions to death and dying (Coon, Mitterer, 2013). Elisabeth Kubler- Ross was a well-known thanatologist. She studied and wrote books to help us know and understand the emotional process of death and …show more content…
Trying to come up with any excuse or reason that the result would be wrong. Hiding out or going away for a period of time; the results or the reality of loss might just disappear. Someone may isolate themselves to protect their family from enduring such pain. Another reason to be isolated may be to protect themselves or to forget about what is about to come into play. Wishing life was that easy. Denying the fact that something is terminal or questioning the accuracy of the results, is not being honest with yourself. We can hide all we want and deny the truth, but the hard truth is still out there lurking around the corner; the truth still exist. It reminds me of being a high schooler; getting your midterm grades and shoving them to the back of your locker. Pretending that the grades don’t even exist, but in all reality they are still there in the back of your locker. That’s is equivalent to denying test results and forgetting there existence. No matter how much you want those results to disappear or you want them to confirm it was a mistake; it is still

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