Since this is a country is a melting pot of so many diverse and rich cultures this myth is especially sad and insulting to the many cultures that make up our beautiful nation. Who doesn’t enjoy any of the many different types of music, traditions, cuisines, etc. that have been brought over by the many countries and groups of people. Immigrants that integrate true do not give up on their own culture, but they do with quite brilliancy infuse their cultures into our present one and contribute to ever diverse culture that continues to grow here. On top of that, they contribute to the overall state of well-being in the country and fight in a variety of government for better life for all. In just the example of the Kennedy’s who through politics moved us closer to civil rights and continue to work inside the politics of America. For a country that prides itself on religious freedom, freedom of speech, and overall tolerance this is incredibly hypocritical and xenophobic to the many groups that make up the …show more content…
Articles such as this need to be more widely distributed in ensure everyone fully understands the importance of immigrants in the United States. It’s easy to agree with these myths when you see it on television, in the paper, or your colleagues at work and school what is harder is looking for the facts that immigrants have done more for America than natural born citizens. Maybe it’s our pride which is our downfall, we think of ourselves as the greatest nation on Earth yet were moving closer to denying rights of the very people that have bled, sweated, and cried for our existence. The only thing dated about the article is some of the number and I’m sure if you looked at the numbers today it would say the display the same results. My own opinion is we need to open the door to more people that are being thrown from their home countries that are desperate for a welcoming home to come to. We need to stop dehumanizing Muslims as “terrorists”, Latin Americans as “lazy”, and look at fact that these groups want the same thing every American grows up wanting and breathing. Some of those being to be free from the fear of death, persecution for their beliefs, and for many people to raise children in a healthy happy environment that many of us born-citizens take for granite. We can only grow by moving forward simply, if we continue to shut out people that