Carol Dweck, a psychology professor at Stanford University (Pink Page 118), has discovered that mastery is a mindset. According to Dweck, “people can hold two different views of their intelligence. Those who have an “entity theory” believe that intelligence exists within us and there is no way that you can increase your own intelligence. While those who have an “incremental theory” take a different perspective. They believe that while intelligence may be different for each person, it is something that with effort, you can increase” (Dweck 119). As for me I believe that I have a growth mindset or an “incremental theory.” I believe that intelligence can increase and that the encounters that I many come across become opportunities for personal growth. For example, last semester when I would get frustrated for not doing so good on an assignment my professor would always say “there is always room for improvement, don’t give up.” When my professor said those words it gave me some kind of hope that I really can do this if I just put forth the effort and motivation. So knowing I could do better I would go to a tutor or ask the professor for their opinion on what I needed to do to improve. Just from little experiences like this in life I am learning and increasing my education and intelligence because I am continuing and trying to strive to even do better. Even …show more content…
Pink said, “The best predictor of success, the researchers found, was the prospective cadets’ rating on a non-cognitive, non physical trait known as “grit”---defined as “perseverance and passion for long-term goals” (Pink.Page 122). The second law of mastery: mastery is pain (Pink 122). Sometimes working towards your goals or even mastery can be tough. It can be long, stressful, frustrating and exhausting while trying to accomplish these goals of mastery. For example, I personally know as a college how exhausting it can be on a daily basis. Most days I come to class for half of the day and the other half I am at work. And on the weekends I work long shifts to make up for lost time during the weekdays. But I know that in order to achieve things in life you have to make sacrifices and sometimes it is the hardest thing to try and balance everything out. Almost every weekday except for Friday and Saturday I am up late trying to do homework, catch up on homework or studying for an exam I have the next day. Mastery can be painful but well worth it in the end. Sometimes it is hard to not fall back into old habits and become lazy and not keeping up on assignments. But my sometimes you just have to suck it up and get what you’re suppose to have done because these years of college is only helping me prepare for the