Custom Fields can be used to create additional fields for variables that you would like to track for your cases. You may have specific items you want to add to your form.
To begin, select form management from the SSR menu and click on “Custom Fields”.
We will now give an overview of the form management page.
The initial form management table will be empty until data is entered. After you have created your custom fields, they will appear here, in the table below.
The custom field page is organized by the following column headers you see here (mouse over).
• Name
• Display.
• Type
• Order
• Edit
The name column is where the custom field attribute you create will appear. …show more content…
We will enter Robotic_Surgery as the field name. We will name our display label Robotic Surgery. The field type we will select is single select drop down and we will enter the following codes in the manage codes section to create our drop down menu options: Robotic Hernia and Robotic Chole. We can now save our form.
Radio Button
If you like to track a yes/no variable and you want to track if this variable was documented of not, you should always set up radio buttons, rather than Boolean.
Imagine you would like to track if your Medicare patients have secondary insurance,
You can enter secinsur as the field name and Secondary Insurance as the display name. You would select single select radio button as the field type, since you are tracking this variable using, yes or no values. You would then enter yes and no as your codes and save your entry.
Please not that the boolean field type only gives you one checkbox. It does not differentiate between not filled and not documented.) We will show you this custom field within the case form later in this section.
We will now review how to use each field type with in your custom field