This radical approach soon became known as cubism. As mentioned before, Picasso and Braque were the ones to develop cubism (although many different artists eventually adopted this new form of art as well). Pablo Picasso is probably the most important figure of the 20th century (in the world of art), as e was known for his distinct style and eye for artistic creation. Although Picasso’s art career lasted more than a seven-decade period, he is most known for his modern, radical approach to painting, now known as Cubism. He was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, stage designer, poet and playwright. Picasso’s father, Don José Ruiz y Blasco, was a painter who specialized in naturalistic depictions of birds and other game. As Picasso showed a passion and skill for drawing from an early age, he began training under his father before 1890. By the time he was 40 years old, Picasso had already managed to make a name for himself. Picasso famously said, “Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth.” That single line leads us to realize that Picasso thought of art as being a fantasy, not real life, and so it can be seen that he wasn’t fond of the still art, and that was what drove him to make this new radical …show more content…
The roots of cubism are to be found in the two distinct tendencies of Cézanne’s later work. Picasso took a liking to Cézanne’s work, and as Picasso said, “Bad artists copy, good artists steal,” he took Cézanne’s techniques to create a whole other style of art. Figure 2: Paul Cézanne (,g_face,h_300,q_80,w_300/MTE5NTU2MzE2NDE0OTAzODE5.jpg)
The Cubists were also influenced by art from other cultures, particularly African masks. Cubists believed that the way to revitalize their work was to draw on the expressive energy of art from other cultures. African masks, or African art in general proved to be very different from the European art they were used to, and different was what they were after.
Figure 3: African masks (
It is safe to say that Cubism managed to completely revolutionize the art world. Born in France, but emigrating cross Europe, cubism integrated with the artistic consciousness of several countries. Cubism influenced several of the major design and architectural styles of the 2th century and prevails to this day as mode of expression in the language of art. Cubism has single handedly changed the world of art, making people see things through an entirely different, or lots of different, perspectives. ("Cubism - The First Style of Abstract