Individual Differences Essay : Community Vs. Individual Needs

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Community vs. Individual Needs
For many years, a question of which is more important has been debated. Is it the community or the individual? In regards to general welfare, social well being and the basis of utilitarianism , the community is more important than the individual. In almost all cases, it is nearly impossible to attend to each and every individual person’s needs. Community is a group of people living in the same area. Therefore, it is often the case that most decisions are made based on what benefits the entire community.
There are several political philosophies that support the idea that the community is more important than the individual. The first of these philosophies is utilitarianism. In this philosophy, it states that the best action is always the one that benefits the most people and maximizes utility. This policy focuses solely on the outcomes of actions. This idea goes beyond the needs of the individual and takes into account the interests of others. A famous political philosopher by the name of John Stuart Mill is one of the believers of this philosophy. He believed that that individual freedoms are important, but ultimately the outcome that benefits the most people is the best one.
In addition, another philosophical belief called communitarianism that recognizes that there is a connection between both the individual and the community at the same time. It’s the idea that one’s individual beliefs and way of thinking is actually shaped by how their community sees things and is shaped by other people’s beliefs. This belief emphasizes that community is just as important as the individual to shape and enhance personal well being. Community is also more important than the individual because often times, when taking into account the benefits of a situation, the individual side is very selfish. For example, almost all individuals will make a decision based on what’s in their best interest when faced with a problem. When people do this, it often creates problems in the long run or creates a conflict in the community. If each individual doesn’t agree, it ultimately creates problems for the community, which is why they should be focused on the bigger picture and outcome at hand. In addition, when each individual is focused on their own selfish needs and following their own agendas, it creates a lot of differences. One person’s selfish ideas cannot truly change anything, there are power in numbers and if everyone is focused on their own needs, nothing will ever be changed or get done. The idea that your individual needs are more important than someone else’s promotes selfish ideas and can result in more dangerous outcomes. Many should not have to suffer for the decisions or opinions of one person. In addition, community is more important than the individual not only because people can be selfish, but because general welfare is more important than individual needs, too. Evidently, it is impossible to cater to every person’s individual needs. Because of this, the government chooses to fit everyone’s needs the best they possibly can. They believe it is more beneficial to favor the majority. They have no issue with sacrificing the needs of one to benefit the many, therefore proving that the community has more importance than individuals in this case. Society

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