Critical thinking is something that not everyone is thinking about on a day to day basis. We may not find ourselves actively thinking about what is said or what we may be saying. If you are one of these people as I know I am, you can learn to think critically. It is like learning to play baseball; with a lot of time, effort and practice it can be learned. There are many things to learn about thinking critically such as learning to be a fair-minded thinker or how not to use fallacies or how to think ethically. There are also many standards to critical thinking. So as we continue talking think of some of the ways of thinking you may or may not use as I will demonstrates ways in which I have learned to use them. Fair-Minded …show more content…
Being a fair-minded critical thinker there are many different traits, and each and every one has an opposite; The opposite of fairmindedness is intellectual unfairness, intellectual humility opposite would be intellectual arrogance, intellectual courage opposite intellectual cowardice, intellectual empathy is opposite of intellectual self-centeredness, intellectual integrity is opposite of intellectual hypocrisy, intellectual perseverance is opposite of intellectual laziness, confidence the opposite is intellectual distrust of reason and final but not least intellectual autonomy is opposite of intellectual conformity. You might wonder why all these are important, each and every one of these are a trait of fair-minded thinking. Each one of these traits is interdependent of each other (Paul & Elder, 2012). We look to these traits to help us train our minds to think fairly within any situation that we may come across. In order to think as a fair-minded thinker you must practice being fair-minded. To look at how your behavior may affect those around you. One of these trait that I have …show more content…
If you think you are right and have no foundation of why you are right that may be consider a fallacy. Another way to use a fallacy is if you think you are right and find out that you are wrong, yet you do not change your stance on the matter. If you were to change your position knowing that you are wrong, then that is just being wrong, not a fallacy. The definition of fallacy from the dictionary is to deceive, guile, trick or to use trickery. It also means deceptiveness, aptness to mislead or unreliability (Paul & Elder, 2012). In looking back at arguments, that may have happened in the past there is definitely the usage of fallacies as well as just plain being wrong. Now that I know there is a difference I find myself self-examining my own arguments, I have also found myself examining my opponent’s points. Are they valid, do they have proof to back it up, if not maybe they are wrong? If they are wrong and I am wrong is there another point of view, we haven’t examined yet? It is a hard concept to use in an actual argument, in the end it definitely helps. Arguments are inedible, not always are people going to agree, but is the job of the arguer to decipher if the argument is a fallacy. In an argument with a person using fallacies on the opposite end, they do not care what the other persons points of views are. They want whatever the discussion is to benefit themselves. This is not an ethical way of