Theories of Criminal Behavior 2
Theories of Criminal Behavior
Edin Hodzic
Loyola University Chicago
Crime Theories Crime is an important social issue because of the impact on the victims and the subsequent need for the society to comply with the rule of law. In their conversation, leading criminologists Travis Hirschi, Ron Akers, Robert Agnew and Robert Simpson sought to understand the factors that motivate criminal behavior. Their discussion demonstrated that social-environmental factors significantly influence deviance and crime rates in a community. In an effort to understand the theories presented during the conversation, it is vital to examine developments, …show more content…
He argued that structural factors in the neighborhood of a person have critically influence the prevalence of deviant activities (Vito & Maahs, 2012). It notes concentrated disadvantage and residential mobility creates a shortage of social capital that undermines the development of effective informal social controls. The rise of low-income populations and female-led households enhances the prevalence of criminal activities in an area. Members of these groups face critical disadvantages in their engagement with one another. The alienation of these groups from key resources that are critical in promoting social control would have a negative impact on their engagement in the society (Vito & Maahs, 2012). The weak structures of social control in these neighborhoods lower the costs of …show more content…
The social control theory places the responsibility of preventing deviance on members of the society. They have the responsibility to create norms and values that enhance their place on the society. It is important to ensure that members of the society appreciate the impact of their actions and words on young people (Kanel & Mallers, 2015). For instance, in a society where people see that political and business leaders can get away without facing the consequences of breaking the law, the community should inculcate the corresponding values on its members. The observation is reinforced by Ronald Aker?s theory that the social environment in which a person grows up determines compliance with the law. If the society rewards individuals who punish the law, then people would have an incentive to engage in criminal activities (Kanel & Mallers, 2015). The theories have demonstrated that the society has a consequential impact on the prevalence of crime in the