The radiation dose unit is “gray” (Gy) and “sievert” (Sv) in the international system of units (SI system). Where Gy is a physical quantity and Sv is a biological effect. 1 Gy means the deposit of 1 joule of radiation energy in 1 kg of matter or tissue (J/kg) and 1sievert represents “the equivalent biological effect of the deposit of 1 joule of radiation energy in 1 kilogram of human tissue.” (‘Sievert’, From Wikipedia). When we go to hospital and have a CT scan, the strength would increase to 16.00 mSv. The radiation limit for radiation worker every five year is 100 mSv, which is about 0.1 Sv. And according to the statistics, about 1000 mSv (1 Sv) radiation exposure to a person would cause a fatal cancer, a typical dosage about 6 Sv would cause death in months, a single dose about 10 Sv would cause a fatal death in weeks. This conclude that any exposure with radiation strength greater than 1 Sv would result crucial damage to human body, this assume there’s no …show more content…
Due to the exposure to an enhanced level of radiation, astronauts could experience about 1 mSv/day in deep space. It is equal to the radiation strength taking an x-ray every day. There would be two different consequences of the exposure to the space radiation, the acute consequences and the delayed consequence. The acute consequence is determined by the amount and the type of the radiation exposure, which would cause damage to the central nervous system and death. Based on our animal experiment, biological damage to our central nerve system would only cause by the high-energy, heavy ions, which are similar to what we know with aging. The delayed consequence means that there’s a limitation of the radiation a human body can take during his lifetime. However, by estimation, stay in space on long-term mission over 500 days, astronauts may exposed above 1 Gy (1 Sv). The long term exposure would ultimately result in cancer with much higher chance on the earth that encountered by gamma and