To be a certified Cosmetologist you are required a High School Diploma or GED. Acording to states that in some high schools have cosmetology programs. You are required 1500 hrs to complete a cosmetology program depending what state you are in. Also depending if you attend …show more content…
This depends on the previous school you are attending. As stated in some cosmetology schools will generally ask their students to wear their hair down. This is because hair salons like their hairdressers to have shiny, healthy and stylish hair. This allows customers to see the condition of the hair. With that being said, schools may not mind if the students wars a cutting edge haircut, style or color. This will demonstrate that the student is up to date with the latests trends. This may or may not be a requirement but students should wear make-up. Heavy makeup is discouraged by beauty schools as it make the beautician look unprofessional. Beauty schools like for their students to wear their nails short. The nails should be clean and if the student decides to wear nail polish, it should not be chipped. Having short, clean nails is essential in the beauty industry as cosmetologists often touch their clients faces. Majority of beauticians are to wear black pants, white shirt and flat shoes. Or in other place they are required to wear black scrubs. These clothes are both stylish and comfortable. Comfort and safety play a big part in cosmetology due to standing several