Yet, this is not necessarily what occurs within our society. Corruption exists within the government, though it is not rampant, and affects the American people daily. Many agree that “The aim of every political constitution is, or ought to be to obtain for rulers men who possess the most wisdom to discern, and the most virtue to pursue, the common good of the society,” (Cox, “Ethics, Campaign Finance, and Democracy”). It is imperative for those in power to serve the rest of society and not their own interests. For the sake of society, our leaders within the media and government must look to advocate and work for the interest of the public, as this is also serving the greater good of mankind. Kant notes in his essay how “…it would be a crime against human nature” to obstruct the growth of the human race and the individuals within it (Kant 7). Humanity should not leave future generations with an unimproved world, but rather with a sense of hope that this world is capable of becoming better, that the human race is progressing forward in a good way. The prominent figures in our society may choose to guide in the way of growth rather than destruction. It is their humble job to serve for the sake of mankind and for those who look to their guidance. Governments, and especially democracies, are meant to serve this greater good for everyone and for those who may not be able to help themselves. Since the media informs the population and holds the power of perception, they too, have a responsibility to the people to inform them fairly and accurately. Prominent figures our society hold the power to protect the common interest or deface it. Despite the temptation to serve themselves, these figure own it to those they serve and mankind to protect this common
Yet, this is not necessarily what occurs within our society. Corruption exists within the government, though it is not rampant, and affects the American people daily. Many agree that “The aim of every political constitution is, or ought to be to obtain for rulers men who possess the most wisdom to discern, and the most virtue to pursue, the common good of the society,” (Cox, “Ethics, Campaign Finance, and Democracy”). It is imperative for those in power to serve the rest of society and not their own interests. For the sake of society, our leaders within the media and government must look to advocate and work for the interest of the public, as this is also serving the greater good of mankind. Kant notes in his essay how “…it would be a crime against human nature” to obstruct the growth of the human race and the individuals within it (Kant 7). Humanity should not leave future generations with an unimproved world, but rather with a sense of hope that this world is capable of becoming better, that the human race is progressing forward in a good way. The prominent figures in our society may choose to guide in the way of growth rather than destruction. It is their humble job to serve for the sake of mankind and for those who look to their guidance. Governments, and especially democracies, are meant to serve this greater good for everyone and for those who may not be able to help themselves. Since the media informs the population and holds the power of perception, they too, have a responsibility to the people to inform them fairly and accurately. Prominent figures our society hold the power to protect the common interest or deface it. Despite the temptation to serve themselves, these figure own it to those they serve and mankind to protect this common