While the proximate explanation aims to answer the question, “how does low birth weight lead to adult disease?” the ultimate explanation wants to understand “why does low birth weight lead to adult disease?” Although these questions may appear similar, the proximate explanation utilizes biological and chemical processes of the body to understand adult outcomes. In comparison, the ultimate explanation requires an analysis of the evolutionary basis of the correlation and how it benefits the survival of the fittest individuals of a population. One biological process used to understand the proximate explanation for disease is found in the link between low birth weight individuals having higher leukocyte counts in the blood. …show more content…
Researchers have uncovered that higher leukocyte levels in the blood lead to increased cytokine counts in circulation (Canoy, Pouta, Ruokonen, Hartikainen, Sakku, & Jarvelin, 2009). Cytokines have the ability to cause endothelial damage in vasculature and to create lesions in the arteries, which both cause a form of cardiovascular disease. The previously mentioned Type II Diabetes thrifty phenotype example is another instance of proximate explanation for disease since diabetes is caused by a decrease in the number of beta cells, which leads to lower insulin levels in the body. Proximate explanations of disease use biological mechanisms to understand the correlation between low birth weight and adult disease. The Fetal Origins Hypothesis and DOHaD aid in answering the ultimate explanation’s question for the link between low birth weight and disease from an evolutionary point of view. As mentioned previously, Giussani’s research uncovered that having thicker cardiac walls in lower oxygen environments ensure the survival of the fetus, which is the fittest individual as it is prepared for a low oxygen postnatal environment. From an evolutionary perspective, tradeoffs aid in enplaning that low birth weights in situations of maternal malnutrition since the fetus directs its energy in brain development rather than somatic growth. A fetus that is prepared for an environment with fewer nutritional sources will be best suited for that environment compared to individuals who did not experience maternal malnourishment. The fittest individuals will be able to reach reproductive age, allowing them to pass on their beneficial genes to their children. Ultimate explanations for disease turn to evolutionary perspectives to understand how