McShane and Cunningham explain the five major benefits in having a structured CSR program in a company: one is having mindful driven employees; second is the boost in creating a better structure in the company’s workforce; third is everyday celebrations of new hires, as well as seasoned employee; fourth is the ongoing commitment of each employee to do his/her best every day to make the company prosper, and last, morale will have to remain high so everyone from the CEO to the secretary at the front desk. McShane and Cunningham emphasize the importance of getting feedback from the employees and the stakeholders in order to find out why authenticity is important to them. …show more content…
The feedback will make all the employee in the company happy and will solve many ethical issues in the workspace. The employees of a company have to follow the rules and regulations given to them. The employee will also see how the program helps with his/her relationship with the company. There is a saying, “the notion of being true to oneself” (McShane and Cunningham 82).McShane and Cunningham found a few ways to describe CSR: “a moral character, individual search for what is real, truthfulness, accuracy reliability and genuineness” (McShane and Cunningham 83). For a company to become self-authentic, they can give their employees time to give feedback and ideas on what they can do better to make it a fun place to work. The company also has to also take into consideration the stakeholders who have invested their time and money to make sure their hard work is paying off. What employees will also do is compare the CSR program in their company to the standard guidelines created by the creator of the CSR program to make sure everything and everyone is satisfied. The authors’ took random candidates from those who work in banks that use the CSR program in his/her daily job. The employee’s understanding of the CSR Program can be summarize into three words: meaning, essence and structure. Basically determine the opinions of employees on the CSR program and what is socially acceptable in society. I have found out that not many people know what CSR is and how it affects the company they work for. By reviewing other research, McShane and Cunningham concluded that employees try to compare what his/her knowledge about CSR to the new hire training. There are five variety of facts that employee need to understand in where his/her company stands. “First is a sustained commitment of resources to the CSR program, second is alignment between elements of their CSR program, third is the emotional engagement of management and staff, fourth is a sense of justice; and last is embeddedness or having economic activity embedded into the CSR program” (McShane and Cunningham 87). With these five facts a company can find its true self. The CSR program is to have a list of resources for the employees to use. These resources can be anything from volunteering to working overtime. McShane and Cunningham emphasize the importance of alignment. In the authors’ article, there are four views of alignment in a CSR program: “First is the alignment of corporate statements and actions; second is the alignment of internal and external actions; third is alignment of functional areas, and last is the alignment of financial