In the hospital setting, falls continue to be the number one adverse event, with approximately
3-20% of inpatients falling at least once during their hospitalization, and 30 to 51% of falls in hospitals result in some injury. (Oliver, Healey., & Haines., 2010). Leaders must be able to must be able communicated information about fall interventions throughout the organization, to included staff at all level of the organization, patients and their families that will that will have a positive impact on patient safety and outcomes. Although nurses are the gate keeper for in patient safety and fall prevention efforts, it is equality important that all employees be involved in fall prevention strategies throughout the hospital systems. According to (Oliver et al, 2010; Spoelstra, Given & Given, 2012) may fall prevention strategies has been tested and elevated over the years, it will require multidisciplinary support for program that are in place for patients to feel safe from falls and injuries during their hospital…