Mornic Davis
PHI445: Personal & Organizational Ethics
Prof: Robert Wengrzyn
August 24, 2015
Week One Journal
Place the name of the Not-For-Profit Organization here: Shriners Hospitals for Children
Place the name of the For-Profit Organization here: Wal-Mart Corporate
Reflection Prompt # 1
Consequentialism, Deontology, and Virtue Theory
1.) Consequentialism
Moral principles have occurred for many ages and are frequently tested and questioned by researchers and thinkers. They are the ethical standards from which leadership can be attained along the pathway to an evaluation. Each one of them has an unlike methods of measuring what is fair actions. Whether, it is through ethics, deeds, argument, performance, …show more content…
This rule in its basic form is the concept of what it means to be noble. Aristotle furthers this claim by contrasting the ownership of integrity to the use of the senses. We do not judge individual actions when it comes to virtue theory or beliefs, we judge the sum of actions or choices the person made throughout a long period of time. For instance, a honest director must make sure that buyers get what they pay for. Every item would be sold on it value and the marketing rate should be controlled according to Wal-Mart Policies and Guidelines. Personnel would be impartially estimated and paid based on their contribution toward achieving a company’s assignment, standards, and purposes. Say a buyer wants to buy a firearm from Wal-Mart. The virtuous manager would sell weapons for law enforcement agencies that will use it to fight crime. Patrons would be treated with respect about their conclusion to get merchandise, because it is a right on the United States Constitution. They would form their products with curiosity in portability, maneuverability, and affordability as well as safety mechanisms to avoid lethal mishaps. If profitable, this firm would better use their gross profit margin as a basis to advocate for a world in which violence is less and less …show more content…
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