and Conflict Model. The Consensus Model of Criminal Justice is “a criminal justice
Perspective that assumes that each of the component Parts of the criminal
Justice system strives toward a common goal and that the movement of cases and people
Through the system is smooth due to cooperation between the various Components of the
System that the components work together hand in hand to achieve the social outcome we
call justice. On the other hand the Conflict Model provides another approach to the study
Of American criminal justice. The conflict model says that the interests of criminal
Justice agencies tend to make actors within the system self-serving. …show more content…
While decision making is as much about conflict as it is about
Agreement, structure Consensus works best in an atmosphere in which conflict is
Encouraged, supported, and resolved cooperatively with respect, nonviolence, and
Creativity. Conflict is desirable. It is not something to be avoided, dismissed, diminished,
Or denied According to This logical structure, justice is more a result of Conflicts among
Agencies within the System than it is the result of team work among Component
Agencies. And even though these two models have distinct origins both of these models
Or beliefs are evident in every day of our society.
In my Perspective the both consensus and conflict theories ultimately exist to
Promote consensus the main problem is what kind and under what Terms. An example
Of the conflict model is police persuading of innocent people into confessing to crimes in
Order to achieve higher clearance rates which are the number of cases police resolve.
And even though we want to believe that our criminal justice system works based on
Conflict model that exists in reality but would prefer consensus, I would love to see