Despite Tom Sawyer having many schemes as a mischievous adolescent, he behaves considerably less insubordinate compared to unrefined Huck Finn. Pondering why the upstanding Tom sawyer was helping Huck to free Jim, a slave, from Phelps Farm, Huck points out, “Here was a boy that was responsible and well brought up; and had a character to lose; and folks at home that had characters...” (Twain 233). Huck acknowledges that Tom obeys his elders and society much more than himself. Despite Tom being less …show more content…
However, once again, he puts trust in Huck due to societal legitimization, this time being the supposed racial superiority of whites. After Tom explained a ridiculous, useless plan of escape, Jim hesitates, but gives in, ”Jim he couldn’t see no sense in the most of it, but he allowed we was white folks and knowed better than him; so he was satisfied, and said he would do it all as Tom said.” (Twain 250). The situation creates dramatic irony, as not only does Tom Sawyer’s race obviously not provide him intelligence, but that Jim would likely have escaped by this scene if it were not for the fact both Huck and Jim put a naive trust in