I will be writing an expository essay on the prompt ‘Conflict can reveal unexpected qualities in an individual’. For this essay I will use formal language to convey the message of conflict can reveal unexpected qualities in an individual, to show the readers for this piece. The audience for this writing piece is those in year 12 who are studying conflict, and the context for this piece will be from the film ‘A Separation’
In the times of crisis when pressure is on put on an individual certain qualities from a person may come to surface which are complete contrasts from their natural state of mind. Qualities that differentiate from certain morals may have been possibly exposed due the pressure to make quick decisions when one has felt threatened or harmed. Martin Luther King, activists for the black supremacy in the United States of America once quoted ‘Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation.’ the nature which conflict possesses allows the ability of an individual to express their qualities whether that’d be ‘revenge, aggression and retaliation’ which may or may not be seen in a positive nature depending how you view it, but they are sudden and unforeseen. The film A Separation explores the context of both sides of the argument as it exposes the qualities of dishonesty, aggression and sympathy. During times of discomfort, stress and adversity conflict may have an undesirable impact on individuals, triggering negative reactions and bring out their worst in individuals, which were unforeseen prior to the conflict. Individuals may act against their own beliefs, faith, and morals with unsound actions in the means of overcoming or avoiding a certain conflict. In the film A Separation Razieh, a woman of strong faith acts against her beliefs with the dishonesty expressed in her corruption of story behind the death of her unborn baby in the means of avoiding an unfavourable conflict with her husband and Nader. In certain cases on conflicts individuals may act untruly to their self due a progressive build up of emotion, normally aggression which may be unloaded when a conflict arises. Due to the continuous build up of emotion in this type of situation it is likely that when an individual comes to the point of letting go of this, in this case, aggression and pent up rage that it is to be at a great passion. This is presented in an individual who is able to control their emotions when they’re pushed to their limits, by another individual/party/action of something. The belief that for every action, there must be a reaction, even if the reaction is just to let the situation die down and not retaliate. During times of war, individuals had to do what was necessary for their survival and victory, whether that’d be leaving all their morals behind once they arrived in a foreign land that they were not …show more content…
Similar concepts are found on the basis of unexpected positive qualities exemplified by an individual when acting through morals and beyond certain capabilities. In an individual it takes different circumstances or actions to get a reaction, this may come from conflict such as: aggression, stress or war, all various reasons as to why conflict can reveal unexpected qualities in an