In his article, for The Christian Science Monitor, Patrik Jonsson states “That could lead to at least one legal …show more content…
In 1991 over 100 students were suspended for wearing the Confederate flag on their cloths of the flag draped over their shoulders. Shortly after the suspension the students sued the school district for violating their freedom of speech. In the article “Suspended Students Gain Right to Wear Rebel Flag” by The New York Times it said “School officials said in court documents that racial problems sparked by the original incident persist. Fights and "blatant disrespect" toward a black teacher had recently occurred.”(NYTime) The students insisted that protest had nothing to do with race but rather “they were exercising their right to free expression and their pride in their Southern heritage” (NYTime) So the same issue have arisen again almost 25 years later, does the Confederate flag belong is public spaces? The question is will this time have a different