This method is a way of discovery by forming an idea and proving or disproving it. One important aspect though, is that the proof must be repeatable. Miracles, according to Hume, have no proof, because they do not have enough uniform experiences. This means that not enough people have observed miracles, to validate their existence. He claims that “a miracle is a violation of the laws of nature” (p 771). He explains the thought process of people, “The passion of surprise and wonder, arising from miracles, being an agreeable emotion, gives a sensible tendency towards the belief of those events (p 771). Effectively, he is arguing that emotions are clouding the logic of people, resulting in them believing the improbable without evidence. Hume also touches on religion as being another source of logical clouding. Religious people believe in these miracles. They used these miracles to prove their religion. They then used their religion as proof for these miracles. The result was just a circle of proof that provides neither miracles nor religion any scientific basis. This new desire for proof represents a new way of thinking that was slowly spreading in Europe during the revolution. This new way of thinking gave people the mental ability to reject what previous philosophers had declared and allowed them to explore the workings of the universe from a mathematical …show more content…
Scientists were now using the newly developed mathematics to describe natural science phenomena. They were no longer limited to forcing their math to fit a preconceived notion, and could now explore things as they were. Hume shows us a changed in the way people accepted new information. They were no longer accepting things on face value, but instead questioning them. They developed a curiosity to prove things for themselves, a notion that is still present today. Even today we still maintain a healthy skepticism of new information and can use the tested experiments of past scientists, or develop our own tests to confirm this new information. We stand on the shoulders of giants, because those giants broke the mold and applied mathematics to the universe around