The final scene of the movie Fast and Furious 6, directed by Justin Lin and written by Chris Morgan, tells the story of a family returning home. This scene depicts the main characters of the movie coming together and having a barbeque. Only a few of the characters are related, …show more content…
Each part of the setting helps wrap up the definition of a home all in one scene. The cars in the driveway are the central connection of the family. Cars play an important role in each of their lives because it is how the family makes money, feels free, and can be their own person. In her article “The Psychology of Home: Why Where You Live Means So Much,” Julie Beck says “whether or not we are always aware of it, a home is a home because it blurs the line between the self and the surroundings, and challenges the line we try to draw between who we are and where we are.” The meaning of this quote does not completely mean the physical location of someone when it talks about where we are. It also means the stage a person is in their life, like with their career and family. The maturity and passions of a person help determine who the person is. Passions will position a person in a place where they desire to be. The characters of the scene are at a point in their life where they have left their biological families behind and found a family that truly cares about them. Some of the characters left jobs and great opportunities, but to them, working with their new family is more important and impactful than any other job. The desires of each character help define who the person is and why they are