Constantly she only has negative comments but not a reason to back up her dislike towards Jane. “’I wish Jane Fairfax very well; but she tires me to death.’” (167) In that quote, Emma claims that she wishes well to Jane Fairfax but she is a bore to her and not amusing at all. Emma demonstrates a refusal to lose Mr. Knightly to Jane. Even when her feelings towards Mr. Knightly are not clear at this point, on page 433ii, she kept insisting that Mr Knightly does not want to marry and especially not to Jane, but keeps getting rebutted with the ‘but what if…’ by Mrs Weston. It clearly shows her jealousy of Jane when the possibility of losing Mr. Knightly can become a reality to Emma. “But Mr Knightly does not want to marry…Nonsense! He does not care for Jane Fairfax…” ii(433-434). The way she is defensive, allows the reader to clearly see her dislike towards Jane as well as her selfishness in only thinking of herself. She focuses only on her comfort by making sure nothing changes around and attempts everything to not let change happen. Which is a trait she may have developed from her father. This makes it extremely difficult to like Emma, because a majority of the time in the book, she thinks of herself and puts on a façade that she is a caring individual. This façade that she displays is what people see and like about her, because they all think she is an accomplished women when it’s an …show more content…
Jane Fairfax is more likeable because she comes across as genuine and hard working which is easy to relate to. Emma is a character that has a fantasy life. Emma was able to live a privileged life and have everything served to her on a silver platter, which to people in reality cannot relate to personally. What makes Jane so much more relatable and likeable is that she was able to make a hard situation into a positive by working hard. More people would be able to relate to those traits as a character, which makes Jane much more likeable then Emma. Emma comes across as prideful and narcissistic, which effects how she is around people. She also isn’t very genuine because she tries to act a way to make people around her believe that she is ‘perfect’ so she can herself. Throughout the book it becomes difficult to like Emma, because you are able to start to see past the façade with Mr. Knightly calling her out as well as the narrator. Which demonstrates the differences between the two