One way Love is shown to be stronger than Hate in “Romeo and Juliet” is Romeo and Juliet are willing to die for each other. In Act 2 Scene 2 , Romeo says “ I have night’s cloak to hide me from their sight; and bit thou love me, let them find me here. My life were better ended by their hate than death prorogued, wanting of thy love” when Romeo says “ My life were better ended by their hate than death prorogued, wanting of thy love” he means he rather them kill him then to live without Juliet's love. It is evident from this scene that love is shown to be stronger than hate because Romeo and Juliet are supposed to be enemies. It is clear from act 2 scene 2 that love is stronger than hate, but another way Shakespeare shows the audience that love is stronger than hate is Romeo’s family The Montagues and Juliet’s family The Capulets are rivals. …show more content…
Prodigious birth of love it is to me, That i must love a loathed enemy.” when Juliet says “Prodigious birth of love it is to me, That i must love a loathed enemy.” she saying that love is a monster for making her fall in love with her worst enemy. It is evident from this scene that love is shown to be stronger than hate because they still end up being together. It is clear from act 1 scene 1 that love is stronger than hate, but another way Shakespeare shows the audience that love is stronger than hate is when Romeo was banished from