Compare And Contrast The American Tariffs

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There were many different ideas, between the Northern and Southern states. There was a convention, the Philadelphia Convention, where many Framers, which were people who worked in our government, came to discuss the agreements and disagreements that were bothering the government. There were many disagreements between Northern and Southern States. One of the disagreements is about tariffs. Tariffs are a tax on imported goods and products. The Northern states liked the tariffs because the people that lived there were fishers, farmers, merchants, bankers, and the people also manufactured all their own goods. The Northern states liked the tariffs because they made it so that the American businesses would not have to compete with British …show more content…
economy for the majority of the United States’ history. Tariffs are a key part of any trade agreement amongst nations due to the potential profit that could be made between all parties in the deal. However, President Trump has pullen the United States out of various trade agreements with foreign nations that provided many American jobs. President Trump has also threatened Mexico with a 10% tariff and China with a 45% tariff due to the need of funding for a border wall and to encourage U.S. companies to have more of their goods and products manufactured in the United States. Tariffs used in these ways could either make the economy flourish or put the country back into recession. In conclusion, tariffs have been used as a diplomatic tool and an economic asset throughout history, and with President Trump in office, that feat may continue …show more content…
Some of these compromises can be found in the Constitution. The parts of the Constitution that is a result of the compromises that settled the disagreements over slavery between the Northern and Southern states are located in Article IV, Section Two. The Southern States depended heavily on slavery for their income while the Northern States believed that slavery was wrong. Even though the Southern States were financially dependent on slavery, some of the Southern Framers and people were against slavery. The Southern and Northern States came to a compromise that the National Government would not end slavery before 1808. This compromise was created to appease the Southern States on their demand for slavery. In Article I ,Section 9 of the Constitution it states, “The Migration and Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight.” Also, the compromise over tariffs and taxes on incoming goods and products can also be found in the Constitution in Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution. It says that Congress had the power to levy and collect taxes, duties, Imposts, and Excise on tariffs. The Northern states believed that tariffs were necessary for a good economy. On the other hand, the Southern position believed that tariffs was a way for Great Britain to use the

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