Through Galileo’s method of the scientific method, it would be absurd to attempt to test Socrates thesis of justice with the likes of observing, measuring, and experimentation. Socrates path of attempting to define justice and describe his perfect city was a battle of philosophical questions and answers, not concrete facts or observations in which allows one to come to a definite and repeated answer of veracity. One could identify this when Socrates attempts to disprove his colleagues position on justice, asking each one various questions which ultimately makes his victims hypocrites of their own thoughts. (Plato 6-21) As this way of arguing can solve problems and come to conclusions, it is not factually proven and is merely an on the spot conclusion, nothing being repeatedly tested or measured in order to form a proven
Through Galileo’s method of the scientific method, it would be absurd to attempt to test Socrates thesis of justice with the likes of observing, measuring, and experimentation. Socrates path of attempting to define justice and describe his perfect city was a battle of philosophical questions and answers, not concrete facts or observations in which allows one to come to a definite and repeated answer of veracity. One could identify this when Socrates attempts to disprove his colleagues position on justice, asking each one various questions which ultimately makes his victims hypocrites of their own thoughts. (Plato 6-21) As this way of arguing can solve problems and come to conclusions, it is not factually proven and is merely an on the spot conclusion, nothing being repeatedly tested or measured in order to form a proven