The similarities which Buddhism has with Christianity are that they both have Priests, Priestesses monks and nuns. According to, ‘they also have basic rule of behaviour which governs how they are to treat each other’.
Buddhism and Christianity both have religious building in which they worship. The way they worship is also similar they can worship in groups or as an individually. The types of laws or commandments that these two religions use them as guideline for their religious life are also similar. For example, Christians follow Ten (10) commandments and the Buddhists use or follow 5+ precepts dear and use them, ( Both religions believe that their God for Christians and religious teacher for Buddhists was tempted by Devil and also their God/Teacher walked on water. Islam and Christianity The meaning of Islam according to internet web page means, ‘submission to Allah’. It further describes Islam as it was, ‘revealed to Prophet Muhammad who lived from 570 CE to 632 CE in Mecca in modern-day Saudi Arabia’. Although both religions are different they do have some common names of Prophets in their holy books .i.e. Koran and Holy Bible like archangel Gabriel and Prophets like Noah, Moses and John the Baptist just to name a few. So we’ll discuss some of their differences and common similarities. Similarities Islam and Christianity both believe that there is only one God. They believe the He alone created this world and he is the owner of the Universe that we see today. They both believe that prophets like Noah, Moses John the Baptise and also Jesus Christ was sent to this world to God to save mankind from Devil’s destructions. Muslims and Christians are urged to follow the Ten (10) commandments that were given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, ( Moreover, both religions believe in the day of Judgement that everyone will appear before the eyes of God to give an account of him or herself. They (Islam and Christianity) believe in the existence of Heaven and Hell. Differences Three (3) main differences are thought to be found between these Islam and Christianity. Firstly, Christians believe that there are three (3) Heads in the God i.e. the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and Jesus is the Son of God while for Islam this trinity is rejected. They do not believe that Jesus is neither God nor Son of God but they say that Jesus was a human Prophet and not divine as Christians believe ( Only one God is worshiped by Muslims and is referred to as Allah whereas Christians worship God Trinity .i.e. the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Muslims don’t believe in worshiping Prophet directly or indirectly this includes Jesus as well. They believe that these are …show more content…
They (Taoism) believe in Tao the founder of Taoism. It is known that they don’t know their god so they called their god Tao, ( For them there is no personal God to lead life they believe there is a universal order with are regulated by natural order.
Whereas for Christians God give laws to follow and also believe in his existences. They believe those who follows his laws are rewarded and those who disobey his laws are punished, (
Furthermore, Taoist does not pray to their god but they try to find answers to their problems that they are facing whereas Christians pray to God for help and protection. According to, ‘Taoist seeks happiness at the present world whereas Christians seeks for happiness after death’. So you can see that Taoism is a religion which bases its doctrines mainly on individual or the nature that is the life we are living today.
They (Taoist) believe that both men and women should have the same rights while Christians believe that man was created first and woman later from man’s ribs so women have low statues then men.