Having said that, the idea of reduction was also observed (from rate of drinking) especially among the ages from 18-20years in which individuals within the range of 12th graders were exempted. However, the United Nations on Women and Drug Abuse believed ‘’the number of 18 to 20 years of age needs to be carefully re-checked to ensure they do not provide or sell or better still introduce the concept to other underage youth’’ …show more content…
The idea was that, expensive eradication and interdiction campaigns abroad have brought few results and many costs. Therefore it is very important for the government to accept the fact that, law enforcement model does not support the system in bringing the concepts under control. Instead, its focus and control should be treating drug abuse as a health problem with social and economic implications whiles using various economic strategies to develop other alternative markets plus controlling drug market in the country. In doing so, budget for drug abuse and alcohol will serve as resources to prevention, treatment and education.
Secondly, it (public health) took the stance by ensuring the federal government respects the right of the state and work hand in hand with the state especially on the issue of alcohol and drug abuse. In that way, both the Federal and the State will serve as laboratories for new approaches that will be tried and if effective, applied in other parts of the United