Firstly, Christopher Boone does stuff when under stress. When the police man was asking Christopher questions Christopher said “I rolled back into the lawn and pressed my forehead into the ground and made this noise called groaning. (Haddon,7). This shows behavioural problems because it is not normal to roll on the ground in front of a police officer. Secondly, Christopher like to put stuff in a certain way. When Christopher went to the police station he emptied his pockets and said what he had “(1). A peace of wooden puzzle which looked like this, (2) three pellets of rat food for Toby my rat, (3) a red paper clip” (Haddon 13). This shows behavioural problems because normal people would just name them if not in 1,2,3 step form. Finally, Christopher has different ways to clear his head. When Christopher was confused at the train station and did not know what to do. He said “Then i tried to think about what i had to do... So I did a maths problem to make my head clear.” (Haddon 146). This shows behavioural problems because people do not do maths problems to clear their head they would breath instead. Christopher Boone shows behavioural problems because he do not act normal around other
Firstly, Christopher Boone does stuff when under stress. When the police man was asking Christopher questions Christopher said “I rolled back into the lawn and pressed my forehead into the ground and made this noise called groaning. (Haddon,7). This shows behavioural problems because it is not normal to roll on the ground in front of a police officer. Secondly, Christopher like to put stuff in a certain way. When Christopher went to the police station he emptied his pockets and said what he had “(1). A peace of wooden puzzle which looked like this, (2) three pellets of rat food for Toby my rat, (3) a red paper clip” (Haddon 13). This shows behavioural problems because normal people would just name them if not in 1,2,3 step form. Finally, Christopher has different ways to clear his head. When Christopher was confused at the train station and did not know what to do. He said “Then i tried to think about what i had to do... So I did a maths problem to make my head clear.” (Haddon 146). This shows behavioural problems because people do not do maths problems to clear their head they would breath instead. Christopher Boone shows behavioural problems because he do not act normal around other