Virgin Islands. However, while no organization has been forced to adopt the standards the Federal Government provides incentive points for adopting the standards when applying for Race to the Top Funds (Bomer & Maloch, 2011). In spite of wide spread adoption of the standards and four years of implementation, the Common Core Standards remain controversial both in and out of the educational community. One of a multitude of concerns for educators and parents is the question of the developmental appropriateness of the early childhood (K-3) portion of the curriculum. Additionally, concerns have arisen regarding the value of implementing a one size fits all curriculum.
Common Core admittedly has not paid homage to the research and theories of renowned educational theorist such as Piaget, Vygotsky, and Erikson. In fact, several of the early childhood standards are directly in contrast to Piaget’s Theory of cognitive development. Children enter Kindergarten around age 5 and exit third grade at the age of 8 or 9. The pre-operational stage lasts until age seven and …show more content…
In fact, the Alliance for Childhood issued a joint statement of nonsupport signed by over 500 early childhood education and health professionals in 2010 (Alliance for Childhood, 2010). The theory of cognitive development is not a law; however, it has been extensively researched with parental consent. Conversely, CCCS is an enormous educational experiment being conducted on children without the consent of their parents. In a nation that has historically valued individuality, diversity, creativity, and innovation it is startling that Common Core has been so pervasively adopted and forced upon our youth. As Piaget stated, “We can classify education into 2 main categories: passive education, relying primarily on memory; and active education, relying on intelligent understanding and discovery. Our real problem is--what is the goal of education? Are we forming children who are only capable of learning what is already known? Or should we try to develop creative and innovative minds, capable of discovery from the preschool age on, throughout life?”(as quoted in Davidson Films, Inc., 1989) Reflecting upon the mounting body of evidence against CCCS and the dearth of empirical data to support its adoption I recommend an immediate restoration of cognitive