One of the twelve common anxiety disorders is Panic disorder. Panic disorder is a syndrome described by recurrent, acute, and unpredicted panic attacks. Panic attacks are distinct periods of intense fear that vary in frequency with a sudden or paroxysmal onset of overwhelming fright, fear, or terror. During the panic episode the individual may feel like they’re having a heart attack or feel like dying (Uphold & Graham, 2013). It reaches peak within minutes, and then slowly resolve over a phase of 5-30 minutes of the frightening event. The cause is unknown but genetic may play a role. This disorder is twice as common …show more content…
These medical conditions can be ruled out after taking a thorough medical history, performing a complete physical examination and mental health evaluation such as asking about stressful situations, fears of concern, relationship problems. The physical examination is to rule out any organic disorders that may present as anxiety conditions because anxiety associated with organic causes is more likely to present with physical symptoms. Blood workup include check for blood alcohol, thyroid profile, blood glucose, check for medication level such as theophylline, urine drug screen (MayoClinic, 2013). An indication for referral includes: anxiety disorder with complex presentations, suicidal ideation, and failure of patient to respond to initial treatments (Uphold & Graham,