In this phase, the first carcinogenic cell starts to divide as well as the surrounding cells to form a tiny tumor, but it does not exceed the inner lining of the colon. In the first stage, the cells acquire the ability to penetrate the fibrous boundary that surrounds the tissues. This stage is known aslocalized cancer or stage I.(2) During this period, the tumor spreads out to more than one layer, which includes the inner superficial lining (mucosa) of the colon to the second and third layers including the internal wall of the colon. The cancer does not spread to the external wall of the colon itself, nor to the outside of the colon to the nearby lymph nodes. The most standard and appropriate treatment for this stage is surgery since the tumor does not escape the wall of the colon. A side from surgery, no additional treatment is needed. The surgery is done to remove the tumor and the surrounding tissue that might be …show more content…
Once they are in the blood vessels, they become very mobile circulating throughout the body. This is stage IV,also known as distance spread or metastatic cancer (cancer that has deployed).(2) At this point, the cancer has spread from the colon to far-off organs and tissues targeting mostly the liver and nearby organs. In many cases, surgery often cannot cure the cancerat this stage. However, if the cancer is confined to very small areas of the liver and lungs, surgery may be a feasible option. Chemotherapy is recommended prior to the surgery to shrink the tumor size as well as