The two also differ in color. Canker sores are gray or white in the center of the sore, and cold sores are more scab like. Doctors can do multiple tests to diagnose a cold sore such as, just looking at the sore, blood tests, and test the fluid that is scraped off the sore. The most common way is by just looking at the cold sore and asking personal questions on how you could have gotten it. They can also find out what strain it is by asking questions to the patient. There are many options on how to treat a cold sore. The most common way is taking Antivirals known as “over the counter medicine” for pain relief. If you have a weakened immune system, it is encouraged to go see a specialized. You can be referred to a dentist, pediatrician, primary care provider (PCP), and dermatologist. It is recommended to talk to your doctor if you are pregnant or have signs of becoming pregnant. To moisturize the cold sore you can use, Blistex, Bonjela, and Orajel. You may also notice that your cold sore has fever to it, apply cool compression. If you choose not to use any treatment, the cold sore will heal within one to two
The two also differ in color. Canker sores are gray or white in the center of the sore, and cold sores are more scab like. Doctors can do multiple tests to diagnose a cold sore such as, just looking at the sore, blood tests, and test the fluid that is scraped off the sore. The most common way is by just looking at the cold sore and asking personal questions on how you could have gotten it. They can also find out what strain it is by asking questions to the patient. There are many options on how to treat a cold sore. The most common way is taking Antivirals known as “over the counter medicine” for pain relief. If you have a weakened immune system, it is encouraged to go see a specialized. You can be referred to a dentist, pediatrician, primary care provider (PCP), and dermatologist. It is recommended to talk to your doctor if you are pregnant or have signs of becoming pregnant. To moisturize the cold sore you can use, Blistex, Bonjela, and Orajel. You may also notice that your cold sore has fever to it, apply cool compression. If you choose not to use any treatment, the cold sore will heal within one to two