1. The hypothesis of the research paper is “The improvement of Civil-Military cooperation will enhance humanitarian assistance efforts”.
2. This research will answer the question about:
a. What are the factors that can influence Civil-Military cooperation in disaster relief?
b. Are existing civil–military frameworks (at policy, strategic and operational levels) sufficient?
c. How can Civil-Military cooperation in disaster relief be improved?
d. Are existing frameworks and mechanisms of coordination fit for purpose?
3. Data Sources. In this study the source of data comes from samples taken from the actors involved in civil and military cooperation …show more content…
Validity Testing. Before using the questionnaire to collect the data, the validity to the respondent must firstly be tested by using correlation technique "Product Moment" against each item statement/question on the research instrument with Karl Pearson coefficient formula. Validity coefficient is significant if r output > 0 and each item question/statement in the instrument is valid if routput > rtable.
b. Reliability Testing. The formula used to test the reliability of all the items that are valid in this research instrument is by calculating the coefficient alpha (α) of Cronbach (1951). If r total ≥ r table then the entire item question/statement in the otherwise reliable instrument, meaning the whole instrument can be used, and vice versa, if r tot < r table then the whole item not reliable so that the entire instrument unusable.
c. Method of Data Conversion Ordinal Scale Being Interval Scale. The questionnaire contained items using a Likert scale questions. Measured variables are translated into the indicator variables. Then indicators are used as a starting point to construct items such instruments questions. Answering each item of the instrument using a Likert scale has gradations from very positive to very negative. Therefore, most of the data obtained from the questionnaire are ordinal data, so that in analyzing ordinal data required interval data. To solve this problem, it needs to be upgraded into an interval scale measurement scale through a method of successive intervals