She is her work. In this sense you can directly see how the construction of her identity is so deeply routed in the work of her being an artist. The video features some sculptures that Bourgeois was working on in which she made molds of her hands to create statues. The technique of using her own hands for the molds shows how the art is a piece of her and how her identity is really a part of the work. In this series of statutes, sometimes her hands are the guiding hands and sometimes her hands are the small hands being guided. This is symbolic the numerous roles and identities a female holds throughout her life from child to mother to grandmother. Furthermore, Bourgeoise identity as a working woman and a feminist comes through in some of her pieces. She was raised by a mother who told her she will not handle a needle, because she needs to have a career. However, the world was not ready to accept the working female, and her work was not recognized until the 1980’s because of her gender. Despite this she makes bold sculptures such as large penises that demand attention and challenge the rules of society. She worked to push the boundaries and challenge the role of females in society as all great feminists do. Like many other artists as they address identity, she also looked at the body and how our body and our genitalia play into our identity. Her artwork creates a sort of …show more content…
Her “The Dinner Party” is so dynamic and has so many different parts that all come together to make a bold statement about feminism. The vagina plates, the needlework, the names of the women at each place mat, the names of the women on the floor, the large scale of the work, and even the fact that she has a large female team working on the project with her all come together. Chicago through her work is contributing to the greater feminist movement. This is also true about the other two artists I have discussed and many others as well. This idea does not solely apply to feminism either. Postmodern artists incorporate identity into their work to address the political and social atmosphere working on a wide range of topics and