There are still some good friendships in the world, overall they are all disloyal friendships. Cicero would not react well to the world’s overall friendship. He lived the correct way; his perception of friends was a virtuous and truthful relationship between two people. Good friends would not; use friendships to get ahead in life, leave old friends for new ones, make the other person feel less of a successful person, and never try to hold a friend back from becoming a better person. Cicero would be very disappointed at the world today and all the fake
There are still some good friendships in the world, overall they are all disloyal friendships. Cicero would not react well to the world’s overall friendship. He lived the correct way; his perception of friends was a virtuous and truthful relationship between two people. Good friends would not; use friendships to get ahead in life, leave old friends for new ones, make the other person feel less of a successful person, and never try to hold a friend back from becoming a better person. Cicero would be very disappointed at the world today and all the fake